
Every visit and application to the web is subject to the visitor’s assent to the terms and conditions stated herein. These conditions can be changed at any time without prior notice. The changed conditions are valid as soon as they are inserted into the website.

Unlawful use

The visitor will not spread any viruses through the website or deliberately disturb the communication or data storage. The owner of the website can at no time be held responsible for other visitor’s behaviour at any moment in time.

The owner of the website shall not be liable for the spreading of viruses of any kind, nor shall he be liable for the consequences of actions of third parties that access to the website and make changes to it.

Copyright Vibronex / Tijdlijn BV

All content (texts, photos, graphics, layout, technology) of this website is protected by copyright law. The copying of any sort is not permitted without our expressed and written consent. Please get in touch with us if you wish to use the content of our internet presentation.

Privacy policy

All information which you transmit to us through the internet, will be treated as strictly confidential and will NEVER AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES be made available to unauthorized persons. This information is used only for: sending of electronic newsletter to inform you about:

  • Company activities
  • Product information
  • Interesting products for promotion purposes

If you do not want us to send you this information, you can inform us by written confirmation. Your data is stored electronically by us in house. We recognize our responsability to protect the information you entrust to us.

Once you have provided us with your personally identifiable information, you will have reasonable access to that information so you can change or delete it. You may do this by accessing your online profile, or by requesting a copy of your profile at the contact address listed below. You have access to your profile through the newsletter. Any check, modification, deleting of your personal data can be done by yourself through the received newsletter. You will always have the option to unsubscribe to any online contact from Vibronex / Tijdlijn BV.

This data storage is subject to statutory regulations designed to protect your and our interests in accordance with the Belgian Law for Data Protection. This site is governed by Belgian Law. Any dispute shall be brought before the company’s registered office in Dendermonde.

Technical information/notice

All information in this website is without engagement, replaces all preceding information and can always be modified. Vibronex / Tijdlijn BV reserves the right to change the technical aspects of its products at any time without foregoing communication. The Vibronex / Tijdlijn BV terms and conditions are always applicable. The terms and conditions can be provided on request.

Contacting us

You may contact us if you would like to:

  • ask us any question regarding our privacy policy;
  • request a copy of your personal data, or change or delete your personal data;
  • opt-out from receiving any future personalized offers or information from Vibronex / Tijdlijn BV .

Disclaimer op aanvraag in het Nederlands te verkrijgen.

We doen er alles aan om ervoor te zorgen dat de informatie op deze website correct, volledig en actueel is. Ondanks deze inspanningen is het mogelijk dat deze informatie fouten bevat. Indien de informatie die op of via de portaalsite verstrekt wordt, fouten zou bevatten, of indien bepaalde informatie niet beschikbaar is op of via de website, zullen we er alles aan doen om dit zo snel mogelijk te verhelpen. Vibronex /Tijdlijn BV wijst elke aansprakelijkheid af voor fouten of weglatingen op de website.

Vibronex / Tijdlijn BV doet er ook alles aan om te vermijden dat de website ten gevolge van eventuele technische problemen niet beschikbaar is. We kunnen echter niet garanderen dat de portaalsite niet zal worden getroffen door onderbrekingen of andere technische problemen. Vibronex / Tijdlijn BV wijst elke verantwoordelijkheid af voor dergelijke problemen, die het gevolg kunnen zijn van het gebruik van deze site of elke site waarnaar ze doorverwijst.